Likes, in no particular order

  1. When my dog falls asleep upside-down with his teeth showing like a shark
  2. Sweatshirt weather during the summer (cloudy, gray, and cool – love it partly because it always makes me think of the beach and makes coffee so much better)
  3. Times of day the light changes (sunrise, sunset, storms)
  4. Maine – all parts of it really, but in particular Pleasant Mountain during blueberry season, and the tiny town of Otisfield
  5. The Presidential Range of the White Mountains
  6. Running in the snow at night
  7. Scent memories
  8. Red shoes
  9. Fireflies
  10. The smell of campfires
  11. Running on fall days
  12. Apple season
  13. Being cozy on cold days
  14. Cool breezes on warm days
  15. Birdsongs
  16. Salt and Vinegar Potato Chips
  17. Laughing so hard it makes me laugh about laughing, which makes it even funnier
  18. Little towns
  19. Bagel Gourmet (especially breakfast sandwiches) in Providence, RI
  20. Coffee
  21. Early mornings
  22. Running on trails
  23. Words that are fun to say
  24. Distant train whistles
  25. Being absorbed in the world of a book
  26. Reminiscing
  27. Purple and red (together or apart)
  28. Waking up to a clean apartment (also: coming home to a clean apartment)
  29. Sleeping in clean sheets
  30. Finding a new favorite coffee shop
  31. Libraries, especially old ones in small towns (the kind in former houses)
  32. “An egg cup makes a very good hat” – From the book Eloise
  33. Six Feet Under – arguably the one of (if not the) best television series ever.
  34. Cultural/religious (Jewish) food traditions
  35. The smell of desert sage, because it was the first desert plant I learned to identify
  36. Teapots
  37. Family stories
  38. The sound of clipping into SPD bike pedals
  39. Butterflies
  40. Summer wildflowers
  41. When someone understands exactly what I’m trying to say or describe as I gesture wildly and use lots of pronouns
  42. My grandfather’s homemade versions of appliances and toys (including, but not limited to: a holder for slicing bagels in, a “Dancing Sam” toy, hanging visual aids to remind you where to stop when pulling the car into the garage)
  43. Walking as transportation
  44. Cooking huge pots of soup
  45. Tomatoes during tomato season
  46. Taking notes with new pens
  47. Hitting all the green lights
  48. Getting to the farmer’s market early, before the bright sun and crowds
  49. Feeling inspired and being productive
  50. Putting tired feet in cold water

1 Response to Likes, in no particular order

  1. Errign says:

    Woo hoo to the White Mountains shout out – I grew up at the base of the White Mtns & miss it terribly right now in my new temporary home-city 🙂

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